Chứng Chỉ HACCPThe structures of this Health and safety management systems are very similar to one another and comprise these components, together with the supply of growth toward continuing progress with HSG 65 / BS 8800 and also an integral element within OHSAS 18001:

  • coverage and coverage Growth
  • Organizing and also an organizational development programmed
  • Planning and execution arrangements
  • Assessing performance structures
  • Assessing performance structures
  • Auditing to a consistent basis

The OHSAS 18001 This version is virtually mirrored by guidance record; measuring functionality is known as checking and corrective actions and the term preparation replaces implementation, organizing and operation. BS 8800 was predicated together with the addition of a first status review as an element HSG 65 on the HSE platform.


Commitment to the health welfare and protection will expand to all stakeholders, i.e. workers, contractors, clients, traffic and the general public at large.


Organizing is wherever in the health and safety management system the foundation for your health and safety culture is defined; this may be divided into the four C (HSG 65):

  • Control by dedication of employees to clean health a security responsibilities and goals.
  • Co-operation through encouraging involvement and participation of workers and their representatives from preparation, writing processes, solving problems and assessing operation.
  • Communication of information regarding safety and health to workers – verbal, written, observable.
  • Competence of employees through recruiting, training and advisory service to make sure they make the most contribution to wellbeing and security.

Planning and Implementation

Successful planning is the secret to safety achievement, with the aim to reduce harm or ill health, it is therefore on this foundation, that included within the direction health and safety system and constructive and continuing health are processes in place. Chứng Chỉ OHSAS threat control system is going to be the center of a occupational health and safety system, promoting a proactive strategy instead of reactive processes. The direction security system will include processes for the ongoing identification of risks, assessing the amount of risks and the implementation of management measures to decrease the risks to an acceptable degree.

Measuring Performance

Tracking is Essential so as to receive comments about processes and the systems which have been put into position i.e. are they successful are they being adhered to.

There are just two ways in which opinions can be achieved by observation:

  • Proactively – Assessing on the effectiveness of the management measures Systems of the management processes which were put into position and work.
  • Reactively – Assessing on systems Which Are part of security and their health Management system created the prevalence of ill health and to examine statistics in the safety and health standpoint.